
Showing posts from 2020


Feast of the Presentation February 02 2020 – 10:30 AM Saint Cecilia Catholic Community Malachi 3:1-4 | Psalm 24:7-10 Hebrews 2:14-18 | Luke 2:22-40        + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, AMEN.        One of the characteristics of Saint Cecilia Catholic Community is that we are highly ritualistic. We walk in processions. We use incense and bells, wear vestments, sing and chant, bow and genuflect, sit and stand, light candles, make the sign of the cross, and bow to the Altar. Many other churches have similar rituals, but usually not to the extent that we do here.   The only churches here in the Coachella Valley where there is probably more ritual are our Eastern Orthodox sisters and brothers in the Greek, Coptic, Romanian, and Armenian churches. Just like us, they sing the entire liturgy and use incense, but their liturgies are three to four hours long. So be thankful that...


BAPTISM OF JESUS – FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 12 2020 – 10:30 AM Saint Cecilia Catholic Community Rev. David Justin Lynch Isaiah 42:1-4;6-7   |   Psalm 29:1-4 Acts 10:34-38 | Matthew 3:13-17        + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, AMEN.        Throughout our lives, we make promises. We sign business contracts. We make marriage vows. We promise things to spouses, family members, and friends. Although for many and varied reasons we sometimes don’t keep promises, most of us at least try to do the best we can. When you become a Christian, you promised God certain things in your baptismal covenant. Of course, if you were a young child when you were baptized, as most of us were, someone made the promises in your baptismal covenant on your behalf. Whatever format the covenant had at your baptism service, the basic idea was that made a commitment to God. Wha...


FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY Saint Cecilia Catholic Community January 05, 2019 – 10:30 AM Rev. David Justin Lynch Isaiah 60:1-6 | Psalm 72:1-2;7-8;10-13 Ephesians 3:2-3A;5-6 | Matthew 2:1-12        + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, AMEN.        Tomorrow will be officially the Feast of the Epiphany that we celebrate today.  Over the past eleven days, the holiday season which started on Thanksgiving Day has been winding down though I hope, as Deacon Sharon preached on Christmas Day, that you will carry the spirit of Christmas in your hearts throughout the year. Christians enjoy twelve days celebrating the Feast of our Lord’s Nativity. To quote the Gospel of Luke for Christmas Eve, we heard the angels proclaim to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David ...